2017年4月16日 星期日


首先溫故知新,海外投資者投資美帝股市,其身份多數是 nonresident alien(NRA),NRA的定義可參考(細節略過):
Publication 519 (2016), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
1. Nonresident Alien or Resident Alien?
對 NRA 來說,foreign income 是不用扣稅的:
Publication 519 (2016), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens2.   Source of Income > Nonresident Alien
A nonresident alien usually is subject to U.S. income tax only on U.S. source income. Under limited circumstances, certain foreign source income is subject to U.S. tax. See Foreign Income in chapter 4.
作為 NRA,其 U.S. income 可分為兩類:Effectively connected income(ECI)或 Non-effectively connected income(NEC),定義如下:
Publication 519 (2016), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
4. How Income of Aliens Is Taxed > Nonresident Aliens

A nonresident alien's income that is subject to U.S. income tax must be divided into two categories.
  • Income that is effectively connected with a trade or business in the United States, and
  • Income that is not effectively connected with a trade or business in the United States (discussed under The 30% Tax, later).
The difference between these two categories is that effectively connected income, after allowable deductions, is taxed at graduated rates. These are the same rates that apply to U.S. citizens and residents. Income that is not effectively connected is taxed at a flat 30% (or lower treaty) rate.
其中,NRA 的 ECI 會按美帝子民的稅法收稅,包括免稅額(例如2016年的個人免稅額就是4,050帝幣)及其他扣減:
Publication 519 (2016), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
5.   Figuring Your Tax > Exemptions > Nonresident Aliens
Generally, if you are a nonresident alien engaged in a trade or business in the United States, you can claim only one personal exemption ($4,050 for 2016).
而 NEC 則是收 flat rate 30% (或是根據美帝與該投資人所居住國家所簽訂之 tax treaty 而定)。
投資人純粹買賣股票,是不屬於 engaged in a trade or business in the United States,故此美帝股票派息便不屬於 ECI,而是 NEC:
Publication 519 (2016), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
4. How Income of Aliens Is Taxed > Nonresident Aliens > Trade or Business in the United States
Trading in stocks, securities, and commodities.   If your only U.S. business activity is trading in stocks, securities, or commodities (including hedging transactions) through a U.S. resident broker or other agent, you are not engaged in a trade or business in the United States.
通常,海外投資人在證券行開戶買賣美股的時候,都要填寫並簽署一份叫 W-8BEN 的表格,申明自己係 NRA,投資回報屬於 NEC,故此證券行作為 withholding agent 便可以代美帝 hold 起 30% 股息稅:
Instructions for Form W-8BEN (Rev. February 2014), Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner forUnited States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals)
General Instructions > Who Must Provide Form W-8BEN
If any of the income for which you have provided a Form W-8BEN becomes effectively connected, this is a change in circumstances and Form W-8BEN is no longer valid with respect to such income. You must file Form W-8ECI.
如果投資人某些美帝收入已轉變成 ECI,則該投資人需要填多一份 W-8ECI,二表並存:W-8BEN 管 NEC,W-8ECI 管 ECI:
Instructions for Form W-8ECI (02/2014), Certificate of Foreign Person's Claim That Income Is Effectively Connected With the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United States
General Instructions > Purpose of Form
If you expect to receive both income that is effectively connected and income that is not effectively connected from a withholding agent, you must provide Form W-8ECI for the effectively connected income and Form W-8BEN, Form W-8BEN-E, Form W-8EXP, or Form W-8IMY (as appropriate) for income that is not effectively connected.
NEC 一般要扣 30% 稅,資本增值(capital gain)除外;這就是 30% withholding tax 的由來:
Publication 519 (2016), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens
4. How Income of Aliens Is Taxed > Nonresident Aliens > The 30% Tax
The following gains are subject to the 30% (or lower treaty) rate without regard to the 183-day rule, discussed later.
1. Gains on the disposal of timber, coal, or domestic iron ore with a retained economic interest.
2. Gains on contingent payments received from the sale or exchange of patents, copyrights, and similar property after October 4, 1966.
3. Gains on certain transfers of all substantial rights to, or an undivided interest in, pat-ents if the transfers were made before October 5, 1966.
4. Gains on the sale or exchange of original issue discount obligations.
If you were in the United States for less than 183 days during the tax year, capital gains (other than gains listed earlier) are tax exempt unless they are effectively connected with a trade or business in the United States during your tax year.
去到填報稅表 1040NR,說明書也再重申了一次 ECI 和 NEC 的分別和申報辦法:
Instructions for Form 1040NR (2016), U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
General Instructions > How To Report Income on Form 1040NR > Kinds of Income
You must divide your income for the tax year into the following three categories.
  • Income effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. This income is taxed at the same rates that apply to U.S. citizens and residents. Report this income on page 1 of Form 1040NR. Pub. 519 describes this income in greater detail.
  • U.S. income not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. This income is taxed at 30% unless a treaty between your country of residence (as defined under the treaty) and the United States has set a lower rate that applies to you. Report this income on Schedule NEC on page 4 of Form 1040NR. Pub. 519 describes this income in greater detail.
  • Income exempt from U.S. tax. If the income is exempt from tax by treaty, complete item L of Schedule OI on page 5 of Form 1040NR and line 22 on page 1.
1. NRA 只需就 U.S. income 交稅,foreign income 是免稅的。
2. 一般而言,NRA 買賣美帝股票的投資收入 (包括資產增值及股息派發),只能算是 U.S. income 中的 NEC。
3. 一般而言,NRA 在開戶買賣帝股時已填寫 W-8BEN,申明該等收入是 NEC,得享免資產增值稅與及 30% withholding tax 的優惠,但就不能享有美帝公民的免稅額。
4. 根據定義,NRA 是可以有 ECI 的,但就要填報 W-8ECI,該等股息收入方可以計入 gross income,再以美帝公民的個人免稅額(及/或其他免稅額)扣減,同時資產增值不能免稅,得出 net taxable income 就以美帝公民的稅率繳稅。
對於呆灣有財經博客宣稱可以將股息收入填在報稅表 1040NR 中 的 ECI 欄位,並以個人免稅額抵銷,成功申請退稅,又大搞投資報稅班教呆民填表(畢竟大部分呆民的英語能力實在太爛,並且恬不知恥地全無改進的心態,就呢一點魔術師已對呆民毫無好感);魔術師就大感不以為然,甚至乎覺得此舉有扮傻搏大霧藉故逃稅之嫌(以該財經博客之英語能力應該足夠去理解魔術師所引述的條文)。既然股息係 NEC,便會被收取 30% withholding tax,將股息同時又當係 ECI 去申請個人免稅額在邏輯上是矛盾的,有些博客話「留返俾 IRS 決定對錯」更是語言偽術:你成功做到了,唔等於係人地有決定了什麼,人地也有可能是左手來右手去的官僚,俾你偷到雞而已。
又,呢一篇有戴頭盔提及以 ECI 申請退稅的「風險」,實在是自打嘴巴:如果是信心滿滿,合法合規的,哪怕甚麼「風險」呢?
至於為何美帝稅局 IRS 會批准退稅,魔術師不是 IRS 肚裡面條蟲仔,當然無法代答;如果係都要估,educated guess 大概都係抽樣調查抽佢地唔中、或者就算抽中咗,但要追討少量稅款人力物力划不來、罪不責眾、甚至乎可能有人已被美帝追稅,但報喜不報憂扮傻扮英文差,大概是這樣吧...
綠角財經筆記:2009海外券商投資報稅心得(How to File for Tax Refund with Form 1040NR)

29 則留言:

  1. 此等搏大霧又四處公開教人點做,就好似N年前某博客大鑼大鼓話用BNO當係真米國護照搏歐洲政府唔識BNO,去定居歐洲,最後被人恥笑一樣。



    1. //好似N年前某博客大鑼大鼓話用BNO當係真米國護照搏歐洲政府唔識BNO,去定居歐洲






    2. //奇在該博客亦有話唔駛上繳呆灣,如果美帝又退咗稅,咁呢筆收入完全免稅?


    3. //呆灣稅法我偽研究

      typo! 係「無研究」先啱!



  2. 魔兄說出了有人成功claim回美股30%股息稅的原因:搏大霧。

    1. 全數claim回有欺騙成份,但如果收多咗就真係可以claim返的。下一篇我會講 IB 收多咗啲乜嘢,而我會點申請退稅。

  3. 美帝週不時對國外公司或外國人啲罪行扮"睇唔到", 到accumulate 到差唔多, 就一次過連本帶利, 告到人甩褲, 罰一鍋勁ge


  4. actually, the most proper way to reclaim the dividend withholding is using NEC on form 1040RN. The refund is only limited to return of capital (ROC), foreign source of income (FSI), qualified interest income (QII), short-term capital gain distribution (S/T CG), long-term capital gain distribution (L/T CG). Some US brokerages have already had auto-refund to NRA on ROC, QII, S/T CG and L/T CG (mostly is bond ETF). Therefore, the tax refund has already proved valid. The only argument is on FSI that you need to declare and define how much your dividend or interest income belong to FSI. For example, as VTI contains only US stock so that you cannot claim your tax withholding on FSI at all but in case that it is VT, you can reclaim a FSI % of your tax withholding. All ETF must provide the ICI files for NRA tax issue.

    1. And a correct NEC tax return reporting don't need to input personal exemption.

    2. //the most proper way to reclaim the dividend withholding is using NEC on form 1040RN

      Minor typo: should be 1040NR.

      //And a correct NEC tax return reporting don't need to input personal exemption.

      Thanks for sharing. What you said is largely correct.

      //Some US brokerages have already had auto-refund to NRA on ROC, QII, S/T CG and L/T CG (mostly is bond ETF). Therefore, the tax refund has already proved valid.

      True, my previous post already shows how Interactive Brokers has helped to "adjust" withholding tax refund.

      //The only argument is on FSI that you need to declare and define how much your dividend or interest income belong to FSI.

      Yes, there is one exception case that IB has missed refunding the FSI. I will proceed the claim back procedure. Will talk about this in my next article.

    3. actually, I believe US stock is a better way for investment except someone's political concern. Mature market, wide-range of choice, better investor protection and larger transaction volume provide a bit fair market for small investor. Please share more on US stock market which most small investor in HK can't imagine.

    4. look forward for your update. *v*

    5. be careful of IB HK, all US investment don't have US SIPC and HK ICC protection at all. Brother 風中追風 has already confirmed it.

    6. //Please share more on US stock market which most small investor in HK can't imagine.

      Recently 春花姐 has shared lot of US stock information:

      In fact after I learned that USA Mutuals The Vice Fund Investor Class Shares (MUTF:VICEX) is not open to non-US holders,

      I have found a list of sin stocks which shall be quite interesting:

      //be careful of IB HK, all US investment don't have US SIPC and HK ICC protection at all. Brother 風中追風 has already confirmed it.

      Unlike some other bloggers who deposit stocks and borrow USD in terms of million, my portfolio in IB is quite limited (even does not exceed the threshold to waive monthly charge).

      I do appreciate 風兄 because I share similar personality with him: be serious and attentive to details. Trial and error and make fun with myself after making mistake is just not my type.

      //look forward for your update. *v*

      My next article will probably be published near midnight of 18 Apr. Then there will be a series of articles to follow up my experience in claiming the refund. Please stay tuned.

    7. 謝謝魔兄的推介👍但我最近已少寫了,費時太流害到人😂


    8. //綠葉財演

      佢淨係負責斟茶遞水做阿四, 但就講到自己好似劉備咁唔打得無智慧但都可以招攬到一班高手跟佢搵食, 真心叫人佩服.

  5. As I know IRS check your tax return is depend on your income. If your income is under $100,000 around 1%, over it is 4%. Over $200,000 is almost 10%. Right now IRS is really out of people to work. That why it is only half of % then 20 years ago. If IRS change your return, almost sure you are report it incorrect.

    1. 都唔知佢噏乜,完全唔對題,應該只係廣告留言。

  6. 原來呆灣開班位人兄只係搏大霧, 原先仲以為佢真係有D咩野法寶

    1. 《封神榜》中姜太公成日都祭起大霧以助友軍作戰,呢啲咪係「法寳」囉!

  7. I just opened my IB account to purchase some CEF e.g. https://www.morningstar.com/cefs/xnys/pfl/quote to earn dividend income monthly. So, for every dividend declaration, it's the gross amount (before deduct the 30% withholding tax), right? And so, these 30% can not be claimed back even I am not a US resident, right?
    Or I can still assumed part of these 30% tax can be return annually?

    1. 1. every dividend declaration, it's the gross amount (before deduct the 30% withholding tax), right?


      2. these 30% can not be claimed back even I am not a US resident, right?
      Or I can still assumed part of these 30% tax can be return annually?

      Whether and how much you can claim back depend on the composition of the dividend. Say if the source of the dividend is bond obligations, you can almost fully claim back; but if the income source is from US domestic equity distribution, then this part is not refundable. So if the dividend consist of 90% bond income and 10% equity income, the effective withholding tax rate will be 30% x 10% = 3%.

      At year end, IB will return the additional withholding tax they have overly charged, most likely for income code 36 and 37 and some other sources of income stated as "tax exemption" (eg Qualified Interest Income (QII) such as interest from Municipal bond) by the Fund house.

      If IB does not return the withholding tax that you think you are entitled to, please study the tax information for each CEF/ETF provided by the Fund house and calculate the amount you can claim back. Then submit application to IRS. You can find details from my blog.

      Please not that I am not holding any PIMCO ETF/CEF, so I have no comment on how to dig out those tax information. You need to learn and help yourself.

  8. 請問香港人經IB投資,當中DIVIDENT的30% WITHHOLDING TAX,下面有那些可合法退回?
    NonQualified Ordinary Dividends
    Qualified Dividends
    Capital Gain Distributions
    Nondividend Distributions
    Exempt Interest Dividends

    另外,若可看到US/NON-US INCOME 的分佈,是否NON-US INCOME也可退回?

    1. //若可看到US/NON-US INCOME 的分佈,是否NON-US INCOME也可退回?

      「1. NRA 只需就 U.S. income 交稅,foreign income 是免稅的。」 <— 我不是已經寫得很清楚了嗎? 你好像沒有看過內文?

      既然閣下連最簡單的資訊也沒有看, 自己無做功課的話, 我也沒必要去回應你的。 我所有的心得都可以在「拒交陀地」系列中找到, 請先自行參閱, 從你的問題我會知道你有沒有先閱讀後發問的, 留意「伸手黨免問」.

      況且我也只是分享心得, 不是甚麼 tax advisor, 不能提供專業答案.


    2. 1. NonQualified Ordinary Dividends
      2. Qualified Dividends
      3. Capital Gain Distributions
      4. Nondividend Distributions
      5. Exempt Interest Dividends

      請先暸解 3-5 跟 1-2 的關係, 前者是否後者的 break down. 其餘的我其他文章都有提及可扣稅與否. 請先閱讀再發問. 換位思考, 倘若閣下花了不少時間心力寫下說明, 也不希望別人看也不看當成是廢文, 直接當成是FAQ 形式的 yes or no 尋求 model answer 吧?
